Formation of PMT-Gesteinsvermahlungstechnik Powder Maker Technologies GmbH
Development and construction of first spiral Jetmill with integrated classifier
Installation of first prototypes
Acquisition of Zyklontechnik from VOEST Alpine Krems Finaltechnik
Development of integrated rotor-motor-unit
Formation of PMT-Zyklontechnik GmbH
Installation of first pilot plant in Leoben
Formation of PMT-Jetmill GmbH
Formation of Industriepark Kammern GmbH
Relocation to Kammern, construction and installation of toll grinding center
Formation of PMT Powder Processing GmbH
Formation of Holding PMT Powder Maker Group and merger of all companies
Installation of the second production plant including silo handling and storage building II
Development of energy efficient EEU (Enhanced Energy Utilization)
Installation of the third production plant