Mühlen, Sichter und Verfahrenstechnik im Bereich Feinmahlung, Feinstmahlung, Zerkleinerung und Sichtung. Strahlmülen und Sichter für Industriemineralien geeignet für die Füllstoffindustrie sowie für die chemische und pharmazeutische Industrie.
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New Standards in Product Fineness

The Spiral Type Jetmill of PMT-Jetmill is specialized in optimizing air streams to improve efficiencies and to minimize energy consumption.


The integrated dynamic classifier, the so-called Rotor-Motor-Unit is based on its high strength aluminum disks capable to run at a maximum circumferential speed of 190 m/s. This allows products with a fineness in the low micrometer range and depending on the material even below 1 µm.


The fineness can be easily adjusted by variation of the classifier speed.


The specially developed feed control system together with the optimized grinding nozzles lead to high efficiency of the used energy.


In combination with the newly developed EEU System “Enhanced Energy Utilization” we were able to achieve a reduction in energy use of up to 30% compared to other micronizing systems.


We either use compressed air (3.5 to 15 bar and 240°C) or superheated steam (up to 24 bar and 400°C) as a grinding medium.


With the continuous reject unit unwanted and hard grindable impurities such as Quartz can be removed from the process and enhance the product quality significantly.