Integrated Rotor-Motor-Unit
Mühlen, Sichter und Verfahrenstechnik im Bereich Feinmahlung, Feinstmahlung, Zerkleinerung und Sichtung. Strahlmülen und Sichter für Industriemineralien geeignet für die Füllstoffindustrie sowie für die chemische und pharmazeutische Industrie.
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Integrated Rotor-Motor-Unit

Highest Fineness through Circumferential Speed up to 190 m/s

This combined unit, built with the highest precision grants a high operating security and low energy consumption for PMT’s Spiral Jetmill and Ultrafine Classifier. The results from aerodynamic research work were implemented into a patented rotor wheel geometry and in a mechanical concept to achieve circumferential speeds of up to 190 m/s.


When used in jetmills with internal fine grinding and classifying circuit, products with a fineness even below 1 µm can be produced. This fineness can be achieved even in industrial scale machines and high content recovery classifiers.


The rotor unit is directly combined with a high speed motor unit with the advantage of maintenance-free high-speed bearings.