Research and experience in the grinding, classifying and separating technology, which we have gathered over years, made us to experts in the fine powder production.
Based on our technical know-how we have been chosen as partner for many engineering projects. We offer support in both process engineering for dry micronizing plants as well as in the development of special micronized products with enhanced functional properties.
Micronized industrial minerals such as Talc, Mica, Graphite, Zeolite, Wollastonite, Chalk or Barite are main components of plastics, papers, paints, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and many other products of daily life, these minerals influence the required properties of these day to day products.
Besides the type of material, the particle size and particle shape described by the aspect ratio has a substantial influence on the properties of the finished product. Fineness and aspect ratio define filler functionality and additionally influence the mechanical properties, as well as a number of other features.
Our grinding and classifying technology has been developed and optimized for precisely this purpose: finest grinding while maintaining the high aspect ratio.
Spiral Jetmills comminute the feed material smoothly and maintain existing grain structures, e.g. flaky feed material maintains flaky or aspect ratio is significantly increased due to delamination effects of layered structures.
Furthermore, high classifying speed allows to achieve products with a fineness even below 1 micron. The classifying Rotor-Motor-Unit is placed directly in the heart of the milling chamber. The integration prevents from over-milling and unwanted milling of particles which are already fine enough.
That combination provides finest products with high aspect ratio and a narrow particle size distribution, i.e. with low content of fines and well defined top cut, which are essential requirements for various applications. Talc, for example, needs a distinct flaky shape to achieve the demanded reinforcement in plastics. Barrier effects and excellent embedding of Micaceous Iron Oxide in corrosion protection coatings would not be possible if the lamellar structure of the Micaceous Iron Oxide would have been destroyed. The higher the aspect ratio of Mica in a GRP compound is, the lower the risk is of warpage in the final product.
As consumers demand higher quality products, product developers are put under increasing pressure to develop materials that perform better, therefore developers are looking to mineral fillers and functional additives to give the required results. Application management serves as a link between development, production, quality control, sales and consumers.
In cooperation with our customers we develop innovative solutions in order to consider processing possibilities at a very early point in the product development. Individual, customer-orientated processing solutions include economical and quality aspects in order to guarantee our common success.