Quality & Environment
Mühlen, Sichter und Verfahrenstechnik im Bereich Feinmahlung, Feinstmahlung, Zerkleinerung und Sichtung. Strahlmülen und Sichter für Industriemineralien geeignet für die Füllstoffindustrie sowie für die chemische und pharmazeutische Industrie.
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Quality & Environment

Sustainable to the future

We are aware of our national and international customer’s high quality requirements and social demands. We place great importance on the future of our children and as a company that is based in the midst of the alps we feel a great commitment to the environment.


According to our company policy we commit ourselves to design technologies, products and processes which are socially, ecologically and economically sustainable.


A further step in our philosophy, is the implementation of our quality management system, according to ISO 9001, as well as our environmental management system according to ISO 14001.